The Cloaked Monk’s,, MarchChallenge prompt for the 24th is, “Magic.” This one was so easy I used iambic trimeter to increase the degree of difficulty. It worked, there is not much wiggle room in six syllables per line.

by Mike Patrick

Flickr image by Hryek

I don’t know how it’s done.
Your skills simply amaze.
Your first kiss was the one
that changed my heart that day.

No longer was it mine,
you held it in a grasp
so sweet and so divine:
a fragile locket’s clasp.

From where does magic spring
within your perfect soul?
Is it a godly thing,
somehow, which makes me whole?

And was our wedding vow
an incantation’s mask?
Why is it stronger now,
than ever in the past?

I want to know these things
so I can cling to you.
Whatever your love brings
is what I have to do.

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13 Responses to LIKE MAGIC

  1. Lovely sentiment! Came out perfect!

  2. earlybird says:

    Lovely, Mike. Seems to me it worked out brilliantly. I’m impressed.

  3. Becca Givens says:

    Wonderful tribute to Sandy ~~ very magical indeed! 😉

  4. Pingback: March 24: Magic | Cloaked Monk's Blog

  5. Tilly Bud says:

    Lovely poem.

    Can I suggest you lose an extraneous comma?

    Your skills, simply amaze

    I’m not sure if the comma is to make us pause in amazement, but I don’t think you need it.

    • Mike Patrick says:

      Thank you, Tilly. Correction made. This is the type of feedback/critique I so desperately need. I have never written a perfect poem, and usually when I’m editing, I’m burrowed so deeply into the creative side of the brain, there is no logic available to see something as obvious as that comma. I’m pretty sure I did not place it there. Are there poem gremlins?

  6. vivinfrance says:

    Romance personified: that’s you.

  7. ladynimue says:

    Tooo good !!! Love this 😀

  8. Chloe says:

    This poem is really beautiful 😀 Thanks for sharing xx

  9. cloakedmonk says:

    How lovely. I love that it deepens over time. Wonder-full.

  10. Jingle says:

    magical love is remarkable.

    vivid and fun tribe…keep loving..

  11. trisha says:

    i think true love (in any form) is the purest magic in the whole world- the most delightful and amazing.



  12. dani says:

    i equate deep romantic love with magic, too. loved this, Mike.

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