Cloaked Monk’s March Challenge, Day 3

The prompt word for day 3 is “Communication.”

Flickr image by DailyPic

When talking breaks down
Angry words, spoken in haste
Lead to nothing good

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13 Responses to Cloaked Monk’s March Challenge, Day 3

  1. Love thepic and haiku! Communication can be easy or a struggle, depending on those involved!

  2. Pingback: March 3 Challenge: Communication | Cloaked Monk's Blog

  3. cloakedmonk says:

    Wonderful and true and what a fabulous piece or art to match! Something I will have to remember.

  4. I love the prompt. I’ll be by later today w mine..

  5. ladynimue says:

    True said !

  6. vivinfrance says:

    Nail arrived on head: bang. Like the pic, too.

  7. vivinfrance says:

    That didn’t come out the way I meant it! I meant – cliché alert – that you’d hit the nail on the ghead.

  8. honeyhaiku says:

    So true! I try to think of that every time I get angry. Easier to master with time.

  9. Becca Givens says:

    Now,isn’t this the truth … love the image paired with it … becca

  10. Kavita says:

    WELL COMMUNICATED, Mike!! 🙂 Message perfectly received!
    I wish they used this haiku in soft skills training sessions.. REALLY! Too good!

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